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2020 Legislative Budget Committee

Agenda/Minutes • Report

Senator Carolyn McGinn, Chairperson
Senator Rick Billinger
Senator Tom Hawk
Representative Troy Waymaster, Vice-Chairperson
Representative Will Carpenter
Representative Kyle Hoffman
Representative Kathy Wolfe Moore
Kansas Legislative Research Dept. Office of Revisor of Statutes
Amy Deckard
Dylan Dear
Edward Penner
Fiscal Staff
Jill Wolters
David Wiese
Scott Abbott
Zach Fridell
Committee Assistant
Nancy Fontaine


State Budget Issues

        The Legislative Budget Committee is statutorily directed to:

Compile fiscal information, study and make recommendations on the state budget, revenues, and expenditures, the organization and functions of the state, its departments, subdivisions, and agencies with a view of reducing the cost of state government and increasing efficiency and economy.

In addition to its statutory duties, the Budget Committee is to:

  • COVID-19 pandemic federal funding and expenditures-Receive updates on federal funding and expenditures by state agencies related to COVID-19;
  • Board of Regents and Regents Institutions-Receive a report on the impact of COVID-19 closures and virtual learning;
  • Kansas Department of Transportation-Receive an update on T-WORKS and Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program projects;
  • Docking State Office Building and Kansas Department of Health and Environment Laboratory-Review proposals for potential renovation and construction; and
  • Veterans' Residential Facilities Funding-Receive an update on location, utilization, and funding for residential facilities for veterans.
  • Review and discuss community and technical colleges, including:
    • How the institutions are funded and how the funding is distributed;
    • Mission of the colleges;
    • Transfer of credits to state universities;
    • The efficiencies and effectiveness of the colleges; and
    • Whether the colleges are meeting the needs of Kansas residents.

Approved Meeting Days: 7 days

Committee Archive:

Kansas Legislative Research Department - Room 68-W State Capitol Building, 300 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1504 -- Phone (785) 296-3181 -- kslegres@klrd.ks.gov